Product & design


Miyousotis is an app focused on the current emotional state of relatives of the deceased, offering personalized task recommendations and responsive advice.


Project introduction

The challenge

The relatives of the deceased lacks the compassion of concerned agencies during the death settlement process.

The goal

The goal is to humanize the settlement process for relatives of the deceased through service design.

The highlighted progression that led to the final product

phase 01

User research

During this project, the goal was to solve a problem for a picked target group within 8 weeks during a Service design minor as a group project. The client was Digicampus a Dutch company that develops new digital products for the Dutch government and other institutions. Our group decided to design a service for the relatives of the deceased. In the project, we used the Double Diamond method and we applied various user methods. We started with a problem and stakeholder analysis. After analysing the problem we knew which direction we needed to take. So we started with gaining data by doing Topic and structured interviews with multiple respondents from the selected target group. After gaining useful insights we used Empathy mapping to gather the most useful data. Lastly, by setting system requirements we were able to set up recommendations and goals. This led to the following insights:

Offer an overview of the tasks

The Dutch government currently offers basic information about which tasks need to be arranged within the first weeks of the departure. However, in the interviews, we found that the information consists of questions that aren't connected and that the target group often needs to find information about the specific task separately. In our service, we are going to provide a separate overview of the tasks with guidance.

Provide activities for emotional support

To support the relatives of a departed person we saw a need for advice in the form of activities that distract the loved one based on their current emotional state to ease their pain in the grieving process while arranging tasks that need to be completed within the first weeks of the departure. They suffer from a lot of stress, sadness and irritations. The goal is to reduce the emotions.

phase 02

Concept ideation

Final concept

Miyousotis is a digital environment focused on the current emotional state of the relatives of the deceased with a human point of view. The solution can estimate which activities fit the user's respective state of mind, filtering in an overview which tasks still need to be completed after several weeks of death. The solution also responds to the user's current feelings and desires by providing an appropriate response. Finally, the solution then provides advice on what to do in the current emotional state.

The name

The name Miyousotis originates from a flower called Myosotis, which is often used at funerals. This flower symbolizes support and power. By combining the word "you" with the existing name, Miyousotis, our service keeps the focus on you, the user. Our main goal is to prioritize the mental health of the user.

phase 03

Visual design

I exclusively designed the project, crafting the brand identity for Miyousotis and giving shape to its visual style. The logo was created by simplifying the flower into an iconic representation. To evoke a sense of calmness, I opted for a lighter color palette, incorporating various colors to allow users to express their current mood without feeling overwhelmed. For the font selection, I combined Lora and Roboto. Lora, a serif font, adds elegance and serves well as the body text within the app. On the other hand, Roboto was chosen for its high readability, ensuring an effortless user experience when interacting with the application.



Learnt lessons

Discussing about dividing the workload within a project together with multiple team members. For future projects, I will make a effort to get to know people at a certain level to know what the strengths are of a person to utilize those skills in project.

The need to do more Service design in future projects. I experienced that I found Service design very interesting because of making an impact with your designs on social-cultural topics. It would be exciting to do more similar projects.

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